Wednesday - 2.5 mile run - nice and easy to ensure my legs still worked after the race, had slight groin pain so did walk some of it.
Friday - 2.4 mile swim in the pool ~ 1.20 easy pace - used my tri suit for the first time and it did feel very comfortable,
Saturday - 100 mile ride - good ride with fellow IM Frankfurters with some decent elevation on the trip
Sunday - 9 mile run - Steady run as legs still felt the bike from Saturday but must ensure I maintain my run walk strategy as when I reached around 8 miles I felt my ITB tighten so had to walk the last half a mile to ensure I don`t damage it.
So almost 10 hours training last week which on the back of a race Im quite happy with, I want to ensure that Im consistent with my longer sessions from now and get the last big ones in this week as I will begin my taper from a week today.
I am quite keen to spend some more time in the pool as it allows me to do some good exercise without any impact whatsoever which is great.
Im still in 2 minds about what to wear race day but am going to continue to train in the one piece tri suit until Im 100% sure that its comfortable. The swim and 9 mile run were both done in it and it did feel very comfortable and I didn't notice any chaffage whatsoever.
This final week of long training will probably be the biggest, I am planning my long bike Saturday which will be around 100miles and then my Long run will either be Sunday or Thursday (to give rest before bike). I am hoping to do around 14-15 miles in the run which will be my longest of the year, still a long way off 26.2 but with injuries etc its not something I can just push through the barriers as this will equal certain injury. The rest of the week will be filled with a medium bike ride (30-40 miles) and hopefully a couple of swims, this will bring my training total to around 14 hours this week.
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