So went to snowdon last weekend and diet kind of went out the window, few beers and generally rubbish food all weekend. I did however swim in the lake that is at the foot of the mountain for around 55mins, this was exceptionally cold and quite intimidating as I was the only person in the lake for the last 30mins or so.
Climbed snowdon on the Sunday, overall felt fine and legs didnt hurt to much which is good for 6 hours of hiking.
I have my winbleball recce this saturday where I get a chance to go down to wimbleball lake in exmoor and try the course for the day in groups with instructors. Quite looking forward to this although as I havent done anything since Sunday Im feeling quite lethargic so might go a for brief fast run tonight to shock my body into exercise again ahead of the weekend.
Day starts at 7am and need to drive down there after work Friday although am popping to a triathlon shop to see about a new bike (again). Quite annoyed that I have to do this weekend on my old road bike but hey.
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